Brain Jam will run only under Windows 3.x and compatible operating systems. It consists of the files BRAINJAM.EXE and BRAINJAM.HLP. Copy these files to your hard disk. To install Brain Jam in Program Manager, select the File menu and then select New... In the dialog box that then appears select Program Item, then click on OK. In the Program Item Properties dialog box fill in the Command Line box with the full path of the BRAINJAM executable. For example, if you have copied Brain Jam to the C:\BRAINJAM directory, type C:\BRAINJAM\BRAINJAM.EXE into the Command Line box. In the Description box type Brain Jam. Then press OK. The Brain Jam icon should now appear in the currently selected program group. You may drag and drop this icon into any other program group if you wish. If you use a desktop manager other than Program Manager, please consult the documentation for that product. Once you have activated Brain Jam by double-clicking on its icon, select the Help menu for full instructions on using and registering Brain Jam. Change History 1.3 - first public release 1.4 - corrected problems with illegitimate game numbers 1.5 - improved "Deal" function 1.6 - improved game selection and review, keyboard interface 1.7 - various bug fixes 1.8 - updated list of winnable games in the range 0-49 - solutions are kept in the file BRAINJAM.SOL instead of BRAINJAM.INI. If you are upgrading from a previous version, existing solutions will automatically be transferred from BRAINJAM.INI to BRAINJAM.SOL. It is recommended that you make a backup of the BRAINJAM.INI file before doing this transfer. If you have several old BRAINJAM.INI files (most likely because the older versions of Brain Jam only supported 64K files), you can merge their contents into BRAINJAM.SOL by following the procedure for each of the files: 1) rename the file to BRAINJAM.INI 2) load Brain Jam 3) unload Brain Jam Note that if this INI file contains solutions for games included in previously transferred files, shorter new solutions will replace the longer old ones.